Hello, I’m Loan

MadeWellDone has allowed me to truly be myself, be innovative, and share my sense of humor with the world.

My day job is anything but creative, so this has been a great outlet these past couple of months. It’s crazy how fast-moving this has been, but SO very rewarding and 100% worth it.

Quirky greeting cards are just the beginning of MadeWellDone, as there are a million more ideas brewing in this twisted brain I’m grateful to call mine. I realized I have yet to introduce myself (mainly because I can be painfully shy), but figured I should just do it. So here goes. I hope you like me! *cries*

About me

  • I am an introvert – ISFJ, Life Path # 11, Enneagram #6, Scorpio Sun with Scorpio Stellium, and Manifesting Generator.
  • I enjoy eating good food and love both savory and sweet. I especially love fish, mushrooms, tofu, Vietnamese cháo, and ice cream.
  • I love tea and coffee, but I don’t drink alcohol. One customer asked me if I drink or get high for my crazy ideas (haha!). No, it’s just how my brain naturally works.
  • I have never been book-smart and struggled in school, but am so grateful for my common sense and perceptiveness, which can knock each and every one of you the fuck out.
  • I love animals, especially pandas (have you seen them get weighed as babies?), dogs, and Himalayan or Persian flat-faced cats that look mean and full of hate.
  • A favorite pastime of mine is walking alone and listening to the most peculiar playlist that doesn’t make sense to anyone but me. I love walking in cemeteries and crossing paths with crows and foxes. I find foxes to be so mystical and breathtaking.
  • I believe that laughter is the best medicine and makes the world go round. My morbid sense of humor has helped me get through the very toughest of times.
  • I cannot stand small talk. We are on this earth for such a short time and to me, there is no point in anything surface level. I enjoy getting to know people inside and out, and in return for myself, feeling safe, connected, loved, and understood.
  • As you can see, I can be quite a conundrum being super serious or super silly and there’s no in-between.

Fun (or not) facts

  • My dream vacation is to Vienna, Austria. I’m a huge lover of the Before trilogy.
  • I have an irrational fear of wild turkeys.
  • My biggest celebrity crushes are Idris Elba, Manny Jacinto, and Jessica Gomes.
  • When I was a kid, I wanted to be a panda caretaker, Ok fine, I still want to do that.
  • My favorite type of art is music. It is my crutch, my therapy, and alongside humor, has remained constant in my life. I miss the old groupie days and going to tons of concerts before kids ruined my life. Jk. I mean enhanced.
  • My spirit animal is a phoenix because there is a fire in my soul that only those closest to me can see. Something in you has to die in order to experience the healing power of transformation.
  • If I could meet anyone, it would be Jim James of My Morning Jacket. I’d love to talk with him about his songwriting process. I am in awe at how he is able to write such raw, vulnerable, sorrowful, alluring lyrics. My faves are Librarian, Thank You Too, Moving Away, Golden, Circuital, and A New Life. Ok, and One Big Holiday because holy shit the guitar.
  • The strangest compliment I receive is that I have beautiful feet.
  • I have seen Interstellar a million times because each time it rips my heart to shreds, but I continue to watch it because I love to feel if that makes sense.
  • My favorite season is fall, not because of my birthday (where my Scorpio bitches at?) but because it gets a little colder, quieter, darker, and something about that combo calms me.
  • My go-to karaoke song is Triumph by Wu-Tang Clan because it showcases my hidden talent for spittin’ rhymes. My favorite verse is by Inspectah Deck, a close second is U-GOD’s. Another go-to karaoke song is Everything is Alright by the Glorious Sons.